GMHA Return To Play Update, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 13, 2020 | Mario Barricelli | 2963 views
GMHA Return To Play Update
Glanbrook Minor Hockey (GMHA) will be offering the U7 to U18 one to two ice times per week (pending ice availability) beginning October 17th, the teams will consist mostly of 9 players and 1 goalie.  The teams in U7 to U13 will participate in one game and one practice a week, where U15 to U18 will be participating in games only, following the initial 2 week training and development period.

The U6 hockey school group will be participating in a 6 week program beginning October 17th and then another six week program beginning in January which includes one ice time a week with an instructor.

All divisions are subject to GMHA reserving the right to make changes to accommodate the quickly changing dynamic situations due to COVID19.  If GMHA is required to discontinue hockey within the season due to COVID19 a refund will be provided based on costs incurred by the organization; the amount of the refund will be determined at that time.


All registrants parents, players, instructors entering the arena will undergo a COVID-19 pre-screening by filling out an online health questionnaire based on the questionnaire provided by the OHF: 

The Participant Questionnaire will be completed online where it can be found on the Glanbook Rangers webpage and under the Heading “COVID-19 Screening Forms”. Each team will have their own “specific” set of forms.  

The questionnaire will be required to be completed and submitted no earlier than 12 hours prior to each session. If it is not completed the Participant will not be allowed to enter the arena!

Instructions on how to access the on-line screening form via a mobile device and desktop.  



The City of Hamilton has put together an information video for all associations on what to expect at the arena.  
City of Hamilton Screening at the facility 


Your child will only be allowed to enter the arena 15 min prior to your skating session.

Your child will be met at the entrance to the arena by a member of the coaching staff or volunteer from the team who will then ensure proper pre-screening has occurred, that all participants are wearing masks and that all participants sanitize their hands upon entry to the arena.



Please review the following attachment which includes the protocols for what to expect for arena entry, preparing for your ice session, and leaving the arena for your child.



Please review the following attachment which includes protocols for parents/guardians to follow while at the arena.
