The Rangers are Back! and very excited to
announce that some teams will start hitting the ice this Saturday,
Oct 17th. We ask that you respect all Protocols that have been
put in place by the City Of Hamilton, and the OMHA, as these are zero
tolerance. Unfortunately, during these uncertain times things
can change very quickly.
Our Organization team
Schedules can be found
All registrants parents, players, instructors entering the arena will undergo a COVID-19 pre-screening by filling out an online health questionnaire based on the questionnaire provided by the OHF:
The Participant Questionnaire will be completed online where it can be found on the GMHA webpage and under the Heading “COVID-19 Screening Forms”. Each team will have their own “specific” set of forms.
The questionnaire will be required to be completed and submitted no earlier than 12 hours prior to each session. If it is not completed the Participant will not be allowed to enter the arena!
Instructions on how to access the on-line screening form via a mobile device and desktop