Apr 22, 2015 | Ayden Harvey | 1925 views
And so it ends...and begins...
Well kids, with the end of the first weekend in April, and a championship weekend at that, it ends. And the very next day, it all begins again.
There comes a moment in your life when you start to hate early practices, or powerskating, or the dreaded rainbow 1/4 mile drill, or everyone has a huge ego - but novice hockey isn't that moment. For me, that's what makes this year so special - your love for the game is endless and infectious. Sure there were times where something happened and you were sad or maybe I used my teacher voice too much during a practice and you didn't like that, but seeing you all smile and joking around with each other made me want to come to the rink every day.
I'm not sure what all of you expected when you accepted the offer and became part of the Ranger family, but I hope I was able to meet those expectations. I know I was able to meet some of them - we got to play mini-sticks in hotels, we had a pizza party, and we won a big banner that will hang in the arena and you'll be able to see whenever you're there.
We definitely had our struggles this season on the ice - but you never let it affect how much fun you had. Sure, none of us liked to lose and I know it bothered you, but we all still found ways to have fun. And, at the end of the season, you played some truly amazing hockey. It was a treat to watch you play as a team in those last few tournaments. It's tough sometimes to play under the weight of expectation - but in those last few tournaments you took that pressure and used it and came out as champions. If you take nothing else from this season, please take that with you - remember the determination, intensity, and drive you showed to win it all. Keep that with you and you will succeed in anything you do.
It's very unlikely that you will play together as this team again, as many of you move up or on to different teams and different leagues, but no matter where you play or who you play with, there is something very special about your first year of rep hockey. No matter what jersey you wear in the future, there will always be a Ranger logo, and this novice team behind you, somewhere in the background, supporting you and cheering you on.
For a long time I thought that I really must love the game to devote this much time to it, but as I sat here typing this, I realized it's not the game. We were at the rink so often this year, but on nights we didn't have hockey it was like something was missing - for a while I thought it was the game. It's not. It was how much fun I had coaching all of you. That's the key.
And that's my wish for you, that one day, you have that same feeling with your kids and the teams you might coach. It is an unbelievable feeling.
Thank you all, for such a memorable season.
Coach Tim