Glancaster Tryout Registration now open with changes!, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 19, 2023 | Mario Barricelli | 1050 views
Glancaster Tryout Registration now open with changes!
The Glancaster Bombers are trying a new tryout registration program! The Bombers will be using a fee schedule for all levels of tryouts that allows our members to save money and decide what level is best for their player to start their evaluation.

Due to a lack of available ice from the city of Hamilton and the OMHA’s decision to move U10-16 tryouts to spring we have had to get creative to insure a fair evaluation for all players. Starting this year we will be applying a tryout fee to every level we offer from AA to B.

Regardless where a player chooses to start, the fee will be $100. Down from $125 last season. This fee will guarantee 3 skates.


Should a player have an unsuccessful tryout attempt, the next level down will cost $50. We hope to encourage players to tryout at a level they have a good chance of making, without discouraging players from chasing their dreams or ambitions.


Because of these changes we have decided not to impose a tryout requirement for returning players. All players will be given the opportunity to tryout at the level they feel is the best fit for them. Meaning, players are not required to tryout a level up from their current rostered team. They will also not be required to tryout at their current level, but we encourage them to do so!


Here is a look at the available registration in our registration portal:


U13 AA Tryout Registration $100

U13 A Tryout Registration $100

U13 A Secondary Tryout $50

U13 B Tryout Registration $100

U13 B Secondary Tryout Fee $50


Your first selection should be a $100 tryout fee. The registration portal will remain open through the tryout process. Should you need to access a secondary tryout registration, you can do so after a player release.


Goalies must register for a level but do not pay tryout fees. All goalies will be evaluated together on May 1st and 2nd and then join their designated age group and level.


Players requesting Exceptional Status to tryout for the AA level an age group up must do so before April 23rd, 2023.


B teams will be available based on number of registrations. This information needs to be collected in advance of the tryout process. If a B team is not listed for your players age group they are eligible to tryout for one age group above.


Non-Resident players wishing to tryout for AA must register with the Vice President of Operations and the Registrar. Emails listed below.


Please forward any questions to our Vice President of Operations or our Registrar.


Good luck to our players!


Vice President of Operations Email:

[email protected]


Registrar Email:

[email protected]


Link to Glanbrook Registration: HERE


*** Tryout dates will be Posted in April***
