2022-2023 Glancaster Season Update, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 23, 2022 | Mario Barricelli | 1410 views
2022-2023 Glancaster Season Update
Dear GMHA Membership,
The OMHA has granted our request for an extension to the Glancaster pilot for this upcoming season (2022-2023).  This request was made as a result of new regulations put into place for non-profit organizations along with continuing delays with regards to the by-laws as a result of COVID. 

We will be required to hold a vote by the membership on the final merger of the rep program no later than November 1, 2022.  As previously mentioned, we will be holding town hall meetings prior to the vote to discuss the merger and provide the membership opportunities for questions and clarification.  Further details on these meetings will be shared once available.
With regards to tryouts, we have been given direction from the OHF that timelines for tryouts will be as follows:
  • U14-U16 will be held this spring
  • U10-U13 and U18 will be held in the fall following labour day
  • U9 and Below, waiting for a response from the Omha
We are currently preparing the schedule for spring tryouts and will release details within the next 2 weeks.
We thank you for your continued support and patience as we work through this.
Glancaster Bombers Subcommittee