Season Paused and Jerry Smith Tournament Canceled, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 20, 2021 | Mario Barricelli | 1364 views
Season Paused and Jerry Smith Tournament Canceled
The GMHA Board of Directors discussed the on going and changing environment in our association around the COVID 19 pandemic.  It was with great difficulty, much debate and due to an exponential growth rate in exposures over the last few days that has led us to put a PAUSE on all Hockey activities (Games, Practices) and Cancel the Jerry Smith Tournament, effective Dec 20th 2021  until Jan 2rd 2022.  

We the board take the safety and continued operation of Hockey programs very seriously. We know that this decision will not be a popular one but is a necessary one to ensure the safety of all of our players, coaches, volunteers, staff and support people.   The current case load has impacted not only our players but also our infrastructure (referees, coaches, and support volunteers) severely hampering our ability to offer safe and effective programming.  This Pause means that there will be no practices, games.

This also means that the Jerry Smith tournament will be canceled. 

We hope that this break will give time for our Membership to be with families, rest, isolate if required and be ready to return to Hockey. We know there will still be increased restrictions once we return but it is our sincere hope that we can return as an association to allow our players the time they need on ice for both physical and mental health. The board and our staff will communicate again with details about restarting and the logistics of how that will happen.

We wish you all a Happy Holiday season and hope this time with family can be joyous.


GMHA Board of Directors
