Opening day Saturday October 2nd, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 28, 2021 | Mario Barricelli | 1738 views
Opening day Saturday October 2nd
Opening weekend is here!  Evaluations for Local League commence on Saturday Oct 2 and conclude Sunday Oct 3.   While you are not required to attend both sessions, you are strongly encouraged to participate.   The complete schedule has been uploaded to the website and each age group (except U18) will have a session Saturday and Sunday.   Ice times are divided by surnames alphabetically.

As per the Provincial announcement on September 1, 2021, vaccine verification will be required to access indoor sports and recreation facilities as of September 22, 2021.  On September 14, 2021 further guidance was released and as such, as of September 22, 2021 you will see the following changes to accessing indoor recreation facilities:
  • Access will only be available through the facility main access. City of Hamilton staff will be responsible for  verifying vaccine requirements upon entry.
  • Any players, coaches, or officials aged 18+ will be required to show proof of vaccination + ID or exemption
  • Any spectators/parents/siblings aged 12+ will be required to show proof of vaccination + ID or exemption
  • Permit holders will still be responsible for contact tracing and health screening
  • Businesses and organizations are not permitted to retain vaccine records or status, and as such patrons will be required to show their proof of vaccination each time they enter the facility
 Vaccine verification and ID will be checked in accordance with the direction provided by the Provincial Ministry of Health. 
For more information:
Vaccine requirements, visit
FAQs for recreation facility users, visit
Based on current information, the following will be required:
  • Proof of being full vaccinated (full series of vaccine at least 14 days before facility visit)
  • ID which shows the same name and birthdate of the individual
  • Both can be shown digitally (ie picture/PDF of documents or ID on phone)


While the dressing rooms will be open this season, we are asking players to come as fully dressed as possible due to the number of participants on Opening Day and the need for social distancing.  Parents are also reminded that attendance in the arena is limited so please keep the number of people attending the evaluations to a reasonable number.

