Jul 02, 2021 | Mario Barricelli | 715 views
Annual General Meeting Wed Jul 14 at 7:00pm
The 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting of the Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association is taking place over Zoom on
Wednesday July 14 at 7:00pm.Current members, including parents from the 2020-2021 season, are invited to attend. However, pre-registration is REQUIRED. Please follow the Zoom link below to register. To enable voting through Zoom, it is encouraged that each member register and attend the meeting from their own device.
The planned agenda is attached below.
Earlier there was a call for nominations for the 2021-2022 GMHA Board of Directors. Those nominations that were received by the deadline are listed below:
Congratulations to all those listed above who have been elected to their positions for the 2021-2022 GMHA Board of Directors by acclamation. During the AGM, the following positions will reopen for nomination and subsequent election:
VP OMHA 2 (1 year term)
Director of Tournaments (1 year term)
Coach's Mentor (1 year term)
Those interested in the open positions must attend the AGM.