Hockey Programming Survey, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 02, 2021 | Mario Barricelli | 1884 views
Hockey Programming Survey
Dear GMHA Members,
In anticipation of upcoming provincial decisions regarding Ontario’s Stay-At-Home orders, the GMHA Board of Directors wishes to update its membership on potential options post February 10th, 2021 announcements.

A.     Should the City of Hamilton remain in the Grey Zone, cancellation of the 2020-2021 season will                      strongly be considered.

B.     Should the City of Hamilton move to the Red Zone, the following options may be considered:

a.      A cancellation of the 2020-2021 season, should there not be sufficient player participation to support ongoing programming. 

b.      A return to hockey/ice time following Red Zone guidelines and in cooperation with the City of Hamilton and our public health authority. In this scenario, the OHF has approved extension of the season until May 31, 2021 should regions be able to secure available equipment and personnel to continue their league safely, including available ice time. The Board is exploring this option with enthusiasm, however there are many factors for this scenario to be successful.

In order to inform our decision should we enter the Red Zone; we kindly ask families for their input (once per player).

This will help guide the GMHA Local League Board to the best decision for its entire membership.

The survey will be sent via email in the evening of  February 2 and is brief – with 2 questions.   You have until February 6, 2021 to complete the survey. Please note that the survey Link is not sharable and you will receive one survey per registered GMHA player in your family to your email. The survey is completely anonymous.

Please ensure to check your Junk/trash folders, unfortunately we cannot control what gets labeled as such. 

Please note, should cancellations be required, partial refunds will be calculated and processed with full transparency for the season’s financials.

We appreciate and value the input of our membership during these difficult and uncertain times. 
