GMHA’s Annual General Meeting Update, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 09, 2020 | Mario Barricelli | 1760 views
GMHA’s Annual General Meeting Update
Save the date!
The GMHA’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday October 13 at 7pm over Zoom. Please check back soon for more details.

we would like to congratulate Ken Phillips (VP Haldimand), Joey Doyle (Secretary), Shelly Upson (Director of Tournaments), Joelle McDonald (Director of Equipment/Purchasing), Mario Barricelli (Media Relations Coordinator) and Steve Hurst (Coach's Mentor/Hockey Development) on their effective election to the 2020-21 GMHA Board of Directors by acclamation. They will assume their new roles after the AGM.

The remaining positions will go to vote at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, scheduled on Tuesday October 13 at 7pm  over Zoom 


Thank you,
Joey Doyle
Secretary - GMHA