Local League Coaching Announcements, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 02, 2019 | Mario Barricelli | 999 views
Local League Coaching Announcements
GMHA would like to thank all of those that applied for Local League coaching positions,and would like to take this opportunity to announce our LL coaches for our 2019-20 season.

Novice 1 - Vacant
Atom 1 - Phil Ball
Atom 2 - Russ Bryers
Atom 3 - Jeff Mcaleese
Peewee 1 - Bill Davie
Peewee 2 - Marco Santaguida
Peewee 3 - Mike Vidal
Bantam 1 - Ken Phillips
Bantam 2 - Rob Porter
Midget 1 - TBD
Midget 2 - TBD
Midget 3 - TBD