Welcome to Our New Executive, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Jun 15, 2019 | Mario Barricelli | 1597 views
Welcome to Our New Executive
Welcoming our new executive


The Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association would like to thank all those members who attended the AGM on May 22, 2019, to participate in ensuring the future of the GMHA is a successful one.  The GMHA would also like to thank those members of this past years Executive, who contributed their time and efforts in the 2018/19 season.  A big 'thank you' to our exiting Executive members; Chris Folz, Sil Bonitatibus, Eric St.Louis, Alex Schulz,
Jeff Schweitzer, and Stacey Johnson.

At this time, we would also like to welcome and introduce your 2019/20 GMHA Executive;  

Executive Board Members

President - Ishac Nazy
VP Operations - Wes Zappitelli
VP OMHA1 -  Rob Birmingham

VP OMHA2 - Phil Kraynick  
VP Haldimand - Dave Mason

VP Early Development -  Fiore Zenone
Treasurer -  Shari McHugh
Secretary - Joey Doyle  

Registrar -  Heather Bar
Team Accounts & Auditing - TBD
Equipment & Purchasing Agent - Ken Phillips
Special Events & Fundraising - Rob Porter
Tournament Co-ordinator - Tyler Heywood
Sponsorship - Mike Vidal   
Media Relations - Mario Barricelli 
Coaches Mentor & Hockey Development - Steve Hurst 


