The GMHA would like to congratulate the following teams who won their league championships. As the season has come to an end, these teams battled hard to bring home the championship of their respective leagues. Congratulations to...Haldimand Champions
Rangers Novice Blue team coached by Rob Porter are champions of the Novice A division
Rangers Atom Senators team coached by Bill Davie are champions of the Atom B division
Rangers Bantam Blue team coached by Bill Orr are champions of the Bantam A division
Niagara District Champions
Minor Atom Rep team coached by David Williams are the Champions of the Belcot B division.
Minor Midget Rep team coached by Carlo Coccimiglio & Noel Clannon are the Champions of the Belcot A division.
Major Midget Rep team coached by Bill Wells are the Champions of the Doherty A division.
Juvenile Rep team coached by Dan Mintenko are the Champions of the Beechy league B division.
Congratulations to all Rangers for a successful 2017-18 season!
Rangers Novice Blue
Rangers Bantam Blue
Rangers Minor Midget Rep
Rangers Juvenile Rep