May 18, 2017 | Jason Shedden | 2417 views
Welcoming our New Executives
*The Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association would like to thank all
those members who attended the AGM on May 17, 2017, to participate in ensuring
the future of the GMHA is a successful one. The GMHA would also like to
thank those members of this past years Executive, who contributed their time
and efforts in the 2016/17 season.
A big 'thank you' to our exiting Executive members; Jeff Schweitzer, Vern
Kraynick, Dan Alford & Jen Alford
At this time, we would also like to welcome and introduce your 2017/18 GMHA Executive;
Executive Board Members
President - Rob Barbera
VP Operations - Chris Folz
VP OMHA - Sil Bonitatibus
VP Haldimand - Justin Cloutier
VP Early Development - Shawn Blaj
Treasurer - Eric St. Louis
Secretary - Alex Schulz
Executive Directors
Registrar - Stacey Johnson
Team Accounts & Auditing - Ishac Nazi
Equipment & Purchasing Agent - Cory Powell
Special Events & Fundraising - Alison Schaubel
Tournament Co-ordinator - Phil Kraynick
Ice Scheduling - Mario Barricelli
Sponsorship - Vince Perino
Media Relations - Jason Shedden
Coaches Mentor & Hockey Development - Tim Harvey