Oct 20, 2016 | jshedden | 1724 views
Junior C's Annual Dance Fundraiser is Oct 29th!
The GMHA is proud to support the Glanbrook Junior C Hockey Club and promote their annual dance fundraiser which will be held at the Binbrook Fairgrounds on Saturday October 29th. The night will consist of food, drinks, dancing and
prizes. There will also be a "best costume" prize for those who wish to dress up in the Halloween spirit!
Each year there's one party everyone remembers and patiently waits for the next one. This is the party, a must attend event! Come out and join the rest of the Glanbrook hockey community in supporting your Jr.C hockey club. Last year's fundraiser was a huge success with the dance floor packed until closing. It is definitely one of the biggest fundraisers of the year and the GMHA is excited to attend once again.
Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased by contacting Alison Schaubel at 289-439-9673 or emailing her at (
[email protected])