Glanbrook Kids Making Us Proud!!!!, News (Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 26, 2016 | Jason Shedden | 1751 views
Glanbrook Kids Making Us Proud!!!!
Far too often we all get caught up in the rigors of a very busy hockey season, that we sometimes forget what our true intent really is.  Not only do we want to create a lifelong love for hockey in our young skaters, but perhaps more importantly we want to create good people.  Good people not only create good teams, but they create community minded individuals that will do the right thing and make positive choices.  This recent email received by the GMHA is a simple reminder of the quality of individuals coaching and leading our young people, but more so, a true testament to the fantastic young people of the Glanbrook Minor Hockey Community.  We couldn't be more proud!  

I just want to give props to some of your Bantam AE Team boys. A buddy and I brought our kids to play hockey on the ponds and a group of your boys asked them if they wanted to play since the area we were going to use needed shovelling. They let them captain the teams and then totally included them during play. It was great to see. Glanbrook Hockey and their parents should be very proud. Well done. 