Sep 08, 2015 | Jason Shedden | 1592 views
The GMHA is pleased to announce the evaluation times for all
local league players in Novice, Atom, Peewee, Bantam and Midget divisions. All evaluations will take place at the Glanbrook
Arena on Saturday September 19th and Sunday September 20th
at the following times.
Saturday September 19th
Novice at 9am-10am
Atom at 10am-11am
Peewee at 11am-12pm
Bantam at 12pm-1pm
Midget at 1pm-2pm
Sunday September 20th
Novice at 9am-10am
Atom at 10am-11am
Peewee at 11am-12pm
Bantam at 12pm-1pm
Midget at 1pm-2pm
For any questions, please contact our VP of Haldimand Renee Davie at
[email protected]