Aug 13, 2015 | Jason Shedden | 2173 views
Tyke Select Tryout & General Info (MUST READ!)
would like to notify all parents who are considering having their child attend
the Tyke Select Tryouts of the following;
- Tyke Select will require a higher level of player commitment than traditional house league. Although this is not deemed a "Rep Team" as per OMHA guidelines, it requires the same amount of commitment as one. If your child is successful and selected to the team, they will have extra practices and games outside of their house league team. Games and practices can conceivably occur any day of the week. There is an expectation that if selected, a player will make every effort to attend as required. The Tyke Select team will play exhibition games and possibly tournaments and as such, travel to those games or tournaments will be required. In addition to the increased time commitment, there may be additional fee levied to each player to offset costs of uniforms, additional ice & referees, as well as other costs that a "Rep Team" traditionally incurs. This fee will be determined by the coach when he establishes his team budget. If you have any questions, please contact our VP of Early Development, Shawn Blaj, before registering. [email protected]
- All participants MUST register with Hockey Canada via the GMHA website and choose “Tyke Select” when completing the registration process. There will be a $20 Tryout Fee added to your total registration invoice. You will not be permitted to tryout if you have not registered and paid the registration and tryout fee. (Click here) to go to Hockey Canada’s Registration page.
- For 2008 birth year players who have previously tried out for Novice Rep Team and paid the $100 Tryout Fee, you will not be required to pay the $20 Tyke Select Fee. Before tryouts begin, please contact Sil Bonitatibus ([email protected]) if this pertains to you.
- The “Tryout Schedule” can be found in the left menu of the Tyke Select Team page. It can also be found in our article posted on our Home webpage & Facebook Page.
If you have any other questions, please contact Shawn Blaj at [email protected]